Ilan H. Meyer: Research on mental health of sexual and gender minorities: Overview and historical context
Queer Lecture der MHG und der IQN - Vortrag und Diskussion auf Englisch

Anlässlich des 150. Geburtstags von Magnus Hirschfeld veranstaltet die Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft gemeinsam mit der Initiative Queer Nations e.V. eine Queer Lecture mit einem entfernten Verwandten von Magnus Hirschfeld. Ilan H. Meyer war Professor of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York und arbeitet jetzt als Williams Senior Scholar for Public Policy am Williams Institute der UCLA School of Law in Los Angeles.
In several highly cited papers, Dr. Meyer has developed a model of minority stress that describes the role of prejudice and stigma in promoting social stressors that bring about adverse health outcomes for LGBT people. The model has guided his and other investigators’ population research on LGBT health disparities by identifying the mechanisms by which social stressors impact health and describing the harm to LGBT people from prejudice and stigma.
Moderation: Dr. Benno Gammerl (London), Vorstand Initiative Queer Nations e.V.